Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Dimensions fo God
"When my roommate who is pursuing his PhD in Mathematics posed the question, my first reaction was, “You sure you want to talk math with a student who barely passed it in high school?” Further discussions led me not to become a scientific thinker, but at least to realize in my own special way just who God might be.
Just hang on as I explain a bit of Physics 101…what is a Dimension? Google says, “Dimension (n) a measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length”. Dimensions are derived in some point in time.
Alright, that being said, any non scientific person would know 3 different types of dimensions. We humans are 3D (dimensional), a painting on a canvas or your wall is a 2D object and a line or a piece of string is 1-dimensional. Consider this - when you have the shadow of a 3D object we have a 2 dimensional shadow, when we have the shadow of a 2D object a painting we have a 1 dimensional shadow which is a line, and when you see the shadow of a line it is a dot, which is what we call zero dimensional.
Having said all this, the question arises how many dimensions is God. I call the fourth dimension, God’s dimension. Scientists consider the fourth D to be something like a hypercube.
Man’s Quest for God and His exact likeness will end only when He comes back. Our understanding of God’s dimension is unattainable now. If we know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image*, a shadow-likeness, then God has to be the fourth dimension.
Then why can’t we understand God fully? I don’t know how many of you have seen the movie Flatland, but I’ll set up the scenario. Let’s pretend humans are all 2 dimensional. Then our visions would be flat. Our ability to understand a third dimension would be out of bounds because we might never have ever seen and understood what it means to be 3D. Maybe there in lies our answer.
* Genesis 1:27"
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Adventist Youth
Adventist Youth
The Unofficial Blog
"The Adventist Church is under-going a revolution. Church members no longer accept whatever is spoon fed but rather challenge everything. The church is now torn apart by doctrinal conflicts, corruption and loss of identity.Where are we headed?
The youth of the church having these nagging question. If you are a free thinker i.e., you think for yourself, this is the place for you. This moderated forum serves as a platform to bring Adventist Youth around the world to share their thoughts on our beliefs and on the state of our church and its members.
Please do note that this is not an anti-Adventist forum but rather serves to bring together Adventist Youth to answer their problems and questions.
And most important of all, this blog is not official."
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Blogging for Peace
Tomorrow many bloggers will displaying their peace globes, an intiative by Mimi.
Some may ask what is the point? How can this make a difference?
So I would like to extend the question out to you. What can you do to ensure peace?
Peace within yourself
Peace within your home
Peace amongst your friends
your family
people you don't even know
Share your ideas. We would love to hear from you.
Tomorrow we will be flying our peace globe.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Why Blog?
If want to start your own blog you can find out more by visiting:
Beginners Guide
How to start a blog
Its good to visit other bloggers to get ideas. Most bloggers don't mind sharing information.
So ask.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Meaning of your Name? Really?
What Back Chat Means |
B is for Brilliant A is for Adventurous C is for Calm K is for Keen C is for Crazy H is for Heavenly A is for Active T is for Temperamental |